quotationmarks types and priority order recommended in English, French and Spanish

Quotation marks types

This post pretends to overview the existing quotes types in English, French and Spanish and the priority order recommended by the respective competent authorities. Note also the differences in spacing among the three languages.

As you can see through the scheme above, there are two types of quotes in English. They are called “double quotes” (firstly recommended) and “single quotes” (secondly recommended). There is no space left after/before the text between these quotes.

There is a third type, the “Latin quotes,” in both French and Spanish. This is the type of quotation marks firstly recommended in either of these two languages. Note that there must be a space left after/before the text between the quotes in French but not in Spanish. The priority order of double quotes and single quotes are secondly and thirdly recommended, respectively, either in French and Spanish.

carbon molecule

Author JSValenzuela

JSValenzuela is a scientist writer and translator from English/French into Spanish. You can find more information on proZ, Twitter and LinkedIn

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